Fil:Wikipedia-logo-en.png – Wikipedia


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Muista merkityksistä katso logos (täsmennyssivu). Logos ( λόγος) on kreikan kielen sana, jolla on monia merkityksiä. Se voi tarkoittaa puhetta, sanaa, merkitystä, ajattelua, järkeä, periaatetta, sääntöä, suhdetta tai oppia. 2009-08-16 Create a wiki logo online using our wiki logo generator tool. Simply enter your logo text and we'll generate dozens of wiki logos instantly. Or browse the logo ideas below!

Wikipedia logo

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2002-08-10 In computer security, logging in (or logging on, signing in, or signing on) is the process by which an individual gains access to a computer system by identifying and authenticating themselves. The user credentials are typically some form of "username" and a matching "password", and these credentials themselves are sometimes referred to as a login (or logon, sign-in, sign-on). The Simple English Wikipedia is a free encyclopedia for people who are learning English. The Simple English Wikipedia's articles can be used to help with school homework or just for the fun of learning about new ideas.Non-English Wikipedias can also translate from the articles here.. Wikipedia started on January 15, 2001 and it has over 35,000,000 articles in many languages, including 185,160 is a global movement whose mission is to bring free educational content to the world.

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Damstahl logo. Damstahl ab • Cylindergatan 2, 212 41 Malmö • +46 40 59 69 00 • Damstahl - a member of the NEUMO-Ehrenberg-Group.

Wikipedia logo

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På Jollyroom hittar du allt för barnfamiljen. Köp barnvagnar, bilstolar, barnkläder, leksaker, barnmöbler, baby- och gravidprodukter till låga priser. Utlandsarbete och a-kassa · In English · Formulär · logo aea mobile logo aea · Kontakt contact icon. login mobile icon login icon Logga in.

Wikipedia logo

Specific cases U.S. government agencies 2010-07-02 The Wikipedia name was a portmanteau of wiki (from the Hawaiian word for “quick”) and encyclopedia. The Wikipedia logo is a eglobe featuring glyphs from several writing systems, most of them meaning the letter W or sound “wi”. Wikipedia is a free online encyclopedia, created and edited by volunteers around the world and hosted by the Wikimedia Foundation.
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2005-05-30 Logo ili logotip, od grčkih riječi λόγος logos "riječ" i τύπος typos "otisak", jeste grafički znak, simbol ili ikona, koji označuje proizvod ili preduzeće.. Može se sastojati od slova, grafike i drugih kombinacija. Uloga loga je trenutno prepoznavanje proizvoda.Potpuni logo sastoji se od logotipa, ikone i slogana. Wikipedia logos used on the mobile application and website.

Politique de confidentialité À propos de Wikipédia Logos er appellen til fornuften. Den er intellektuel og er især knyttet til argumentationen, dvs. at et godt underbygget argument er logosappellerende. Alle former for fakta støtter logos. Begrebet pop-logos bruges om appeller, der tilsyneladende er logosappellerende, men måden hvorpå appellen bruges er utroværdig. Se hela listan på Wikipedia ist ein Projekt zum Aufbau einer Enzyklopädie aus freien Inhalten, zu denen du sehr gern beitragen kannst.Seit März 2001 sind 2.560.483 Artikel in deutscher Sprache entstanden. Programski jezik LOGO je viši programski jezik koji je bio razvijen tokom 70-tih godina 20.
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Wikipedia logo

Logo perustuu usein olemassa olevaan kirjasintyyppiin, mutta sitä on usein muokattu edelleen muokkaamalla kirjainten ulkonäköä, sijoittelua ja suhteellista kokoa. [3] Logo on organisaation tärkein tunnus, jota käytetään käyntikorteissa, papereissa ja mainosmateriaaleissa. 2020-08-19 · 01 Egger-Getraenke Logo-neutral RGB RGB 1 klein.png 295 × 177; 15 KB 01 Egger-Getraenke Logo-neutral RGB RGB 1.png 1,181 × 709; 38 KB 01 JDMIS is a Joint Venture with MDIS specializing in Jewellery Education.jpg 1,920 × 1,280; 608 KB Logopedia is a collaborative database for logos and corporate branding. Includes the history of successful company logos, popular branding and more. Se hela listan på Wikimedia Deutschland e.

The Wikipedia logo, also known as Wikipedia's logo, or the logo of Wikipedia is an unfinished globe constructed from jigsaw pieces—some pieces are missing at the top—inscribed with glyphs from many different writing systems. Wikipedia's first true logo was an image that was originally submitted by Bjørn Smestad for a Nupedia logo competition which took place in 2000. Jimmy Wales (Jimbo) thought it would be a much better logo than the flag, [ citation needed ] and it remained for the next eight months, until the end of 2001. Since the logo is a primary source and logos are rarely described in secondary sources, in a Wikipedia article a logo may be described directly from the logo, factually but preferably with prudently understated wording, to avoid its reading like advertising. Specific cases U.S. government agencies A logo (abbreviation of logotype, from Greek: λόγος, romanized: logos, lit. 'word' and Greek: τύπος, romanized: typos, lit. 'imprint') is a graphic mark, emblem, or symbol used to aid and promote public identification and recognition.
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Fil:Wikipedia-logo-v2-nn.svg – Wikipedia

Wikipedia logo version 2 - Wikimedia Commons 2020-08-27 Wikipedia is a free online encyclopedia, created and edited by volunteers around the world and hosted by the Wikimedia Foundation. English 6 274 000+ articles Español 1 668 000+ artículos De senaste tweetarna från @Wikipedia Wikipedia. 5,637,034 likes · 3,714 talking about this. A free, collaborative, and multilingual internet encyclopedia. 2002-01-26 In bioinformatics, a sequence logo is a graphical representation of the sequence conservation of nucleotides or amino acids. A sequence logo is created from a collection of aligned sequences and depicts the consensus sequence and diversity of the sequences.

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Begreppet logos har använts på ett flertal olika sätt inom filosofi, analytisk psykologi, religion och retorik Wikipedia på bokmål og riksmål har i likhet med andre utgaver hatt dagens logo siden 2003; en oppdatert versjon kom i 2010. Før det hadde norsk Wikipedia den gamle Wikipedia-logoen. Etter 2003 har vi også i kortere perioder brukt enkelte spesiallogoer. Liste over logoer Wikipedia is a free online encyclopedia, created and edited by volunteers around the world and hosted by the Wikimedia Foundation.